Green cover in India increases by an impressive 8,021 sq km in just 2 years
Thanks to multiple afforestation programs undertaken by the Environment ministry, India managed to increase its green cover by a whopping 8,021 sq kilometers in a span of just two years. The country now ranks tenth in the world for forest area and eighth for annual forest gain. According to an official report, over 24.39% of the country’s geographical area now constitutes of green cover. Recorded using satellite...
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Military man wins hearts by taking the daughter of fallen serviceman to daddy-daughter dance
A night that would’ve otherwise been quite heartbreaking for 5-year old Cayleigh Hinton turned out to be one of her most memorable ones, thanks to a military man named Joseph Bierbrodt. Cayleigh participated in her very first dad-daughter dance last week – only that she was accompanied by 1st Sgt. Joseph Bierbrodt of the Illinois Army National Guard instead of her own father, who died in a military...
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These new LA parking meters collect change for the homeless
Two bright orange parking meters newly installed in LA’s Grand Park accept change from people that would be used to house the homeless. These two meters are among a total of six donation meters installed across the downtown area. As the city witnesses a rise in the number of homeless people, these new parking meters offer a way for people to donate for a good cause. “This is a way for people to give....
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This young man with Down Syndrome starts his own million-dollar sock company
John Lee Cronin is a young man with Down’s Syndrome and he’s on a mission — he wants to spread happiness and cheer through colorful socks! The 21-year-old entrepreneur decided to turn his love for socks into a business once he graduated from high school. In December 2016, John and his dad Mark Cronin started an online business and named it John’s Crazy Socks. It is basically a...
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Dunkin’ Donuts aims to ditch foam cups for paper cups by 2020
Dunkin’ Donuts is finally ditching plastic foam cups for an environment-friendly option. The world famous coffee chain plans to eliminate foam cups in its global supply chain beginning Spring 2018. By 2020, the chain plans to completely switch to paper cups. It has been a long time coming, and goes to show that big changes can’t just happen over night – in fact, it took seven years in this case. In 2011,...
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How Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio gave this pregnant cancer patient the gift of life
A young pregnant woman named Gemma Nuttal had cancer, so the doctors told her to start with the treatment or she’d die. But Gemma refused all cancer treatments to save her baby’s life. When she finally gave birth to a healthy baby girl, doctors gave her six months to live. Gemma and her mother launched a £300,000 crowdfunding campaign to raise enough money for her treatment in Germany. That’s...
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A chemical found in McDonald’s fries might just cure your baldness!
A team of Japanese scientists claim that the cure to baldness might just be there in your McDonald’s fries! They’ve found that dimethylpolysiloxane, a chemical which is added to oil to cook french fries at the fast-food restaurant, was able to mass produce hair follicles in mice. Initial tests suggest this “simple” method could also be used to treat hair loss in humans, the scientists at...
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Tesla to turn 50,000 South Australian homes into power generators, that too for free
Tesla has just signed a deal with the South Australian government to install solar panels and Tesla batteries in 50,000 homes, that too at no cost to the residents. The landmark plan would turn houses into a giant, interconnected power plant. South Australia is already home to world’s biggest battery in an Elon Musk-driven project to provide electricity for more than 30,000 homes. “My government has already...
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Cancer ‘vaccine’ successfully eliminates tumors in mice, human trials to follow soon
Cancer researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have come up with a ‘vaccine’ that successfully eliminated 97% tumors in mice. The vaccine works for many different types of cancers, including those that arise spontaneously. Researchers found that injecting minute amounts of two immune-stimulating agents directly into solid tumors in mice can eliminate all traces of cancer in the...
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Hong Kong votes to abolish ivory trade by 2021
In a historic move, lawmakers in Hong Kong voted to ban the infamous ivory trade completely by 2021, much to the delight of conservationists. The move follows China’s complete ban on ivory sales that went into effect at the end of last year. The amendment will phase out the trade in three stages, a time period some conservationists say could be exploited as a loophole and too late for African elephants which...
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