Scientists discover a new drug that could prevent ovarian cancer relapse for years
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common cancer among women around the world. Since it does not usually have any symptoms in the early stages, it often goes undetected. And even after undergoing chemotherapy and surgery, 70% of ovarian cancer patients suffer relapses within three years of treatment. However, now an exciting new treatment has been developed by scientists that could help extend the lifespans of...
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This entire Indian state is embracing the concept of ‘Green Weddings’
Youngsters these days are moving away from the concept of Big Fat Indian Wedding due to the obnoxious amount of money involved — money that young couples would rather spend on themselves than on feeding and entertaining distant relatives. Not only are such weddings extravagant in every sense of the word, they take a toll on the environment too. Now, an entire Indian state is taking the initiative of...
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Thanks to this teen scientist, solar panels to generate more electricity by following sun from dawn until dusk
Georgia Hutchinson is a 13-year-old scientist who has come up with a program that allows solar panels to follow the movement of the sun from dawn till dusk, thereby generating more electricity and enabling a faster pay off their purchase costs and utility bills. Most solar panels are only set up to point in one direction – and while there are solar panels that are equipped with trackers that allow them to follow...
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