This man became a pilot and kept his promise of taking his village elders on their first flight ever
Not many people remember the promises they once made, after they’ve climbed the ladder of success. But this Indian man did not forget to fulfill his promise after landing a job as a pilot, warming the hearts of everyone in his village. Vikas Jyani, a newly appointed pilot from the north Indian state of Haryana, recently arranged air travel for all of the men and women of his village between the ages of 70...
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Meet the farmer who donated Rs 40,000 to print books for tribal kids, years after being unable to afford education himself
CK Narayana Panicker is a farmer from Kozhikode in the south Indian state of Kerala. He was forced to give up education due to lack of funds to buy even textbooks. But that did not deter the man from donating a more than generous sum of Rs 40,000 for printing textbooks for students studying at the government tribal lower primary (LP) school in Edamalakkudy village of Idukki district. Edamalakkudy is a remote...
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These drones could be used to pollinate plants in case bees go extinct
With the global bee population under threat of going extinct in the face rampant use of toxic pesticides and climate change, we are facing a scary future as bees are responsible for pollinating 80% of all flowering plants, including 70 of the top 100 human food crops. Thankfully,researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have been working on long-term solutions to this problem and have come...
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