Runners participating in London half marathon banned from using single-use plastic bottles
In order to tackle the problem of growing plastic waste, participants in the upcoming Harrow Half Marathon in London have been banned from using disposable plastic bottles. The runners will instead be getting edible Ooho water sachets for rehydrating themselves. Ooho sachets are biodegradable, made from a seaweed-based membrane. Participants can either nip the edge and drink the water or consume the entire...
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This duo is helping a weaver community in Kerala get back on their feet after floods destroyed their stocks
When floods wreaked havoc in Kerala a few weeks back, Chendamangalam, a small town in the Ernakulam district of the state, got impacted too. The town is famous for its centuries-old handloom sarees but unfortunately, the floods destroyed Rs 21 lakh worth of stock including sarees, shirts and dhotis as floodwaters entered the showrooms, dyeing units and factories of the five co-operative societies which employ...
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India finally decriminalizes homosexuality
In a historic move widely celebrated by people from all walks of life in the country, the Indian Supreme Court passed a ruling last Thursday that overturned a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual gay sex. A five-judge bench at the country’s highest court ruled that a 160-year-old law banning sex “against the order of nature” amounted to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and was...
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