This start up is turning food scraps into fabric
More and more people around the world are becoming aware of the huge environmental impact of the fashion industry. In fact, it is the second most polluting industry in the world after oil and gas. With growing popularity of sustainable fashion, Circular Systems, a new materials science company, has come up with a technology that transforms food waste into usable fabrics. With this brilliant technology, all the...
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Sweden to achieve its 2030 renewable energy target this year, 12 years ahead of schedule
A new report has found that Sweden has invested so much in wind power that the country is all set to reach its 2030 renewable energy target this year, more than a decade ahead of schedule. By the end of 2018, Sweden will have 3,681 wind turbines installed, lobby group Swedish Wind Energy Association estimates. Together with second-half investment decisions, this will be more than enough capacity to meet a target...
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Mountain gorilla numbers are on the rise, despite threats from poaching and habitat destruction
Now this is a news that is being welcomed by animal conservationists around the world! A recent census has confirmed that the mountain gorilla population in the Virunga mountains in Africa is steadily growing. In fact, the mountain gorilla subspecies is the only great apes whose numbers are known to be on the rise. The population of these great apes has grown from 480 in 2010 to 604 as of June 2016. Add another...
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