Pet pit bull saves family from fire, grabs baby by diaper and pulls her to safety
Dog is not called man’s best friend for nothing! A pet pit bull puppy named Sasha saved the lives of her family members by alerting them to the fire spreading from their neighbor’s home. Sasha’s owner, Nana Chaichanhda, was fast asleep in her Stockton, California housing complex when the pup started to cause a ruckus at the back door. When she was let in by Chaichanhda, Sasha immediately ran inside...
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Meet the man who drives for hours every day to save wild animals from drought
Had it not been for Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua, drought would have claimed the lives of scores of animals in Kenya’s Tsavo West National Park. Every day, Patrick delivers 3,000 gallons of fresh water to wild animals in his supreme water tanker after driving for hours. According to Patrick, the situation is so bad at the park that the animals would die of dehydration if he failed to bring the water. He told The...
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This device offers an environment-friendly way to dispose sanitary napkins
When women around the world buy disposable sanitary pads, the least of their concern is where the discarded pads will eventually end up. Therefore, billions of non-compostable sanitary napkins find their way into our sewerage systems and landfills each year, creating a huge environmental hazard and health risks. Now two leading Indian scientific institutions have come together with a private partner to launch a...
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