This waitress received a $2,000 tip on Mother’s Day from a kind customer
Brenda Pearson had been a stay-at-home mom for two years before she started working as a waitress at the 4 Star Diner in Roland, Oklahoma. On Mother’s Day, an act of kindness and generosity by a customer touched her heart and helped her with her struggling finances. It was a regular day at the diner when a customer walked in and ordered one cheeseburger, Brenda recalls. When it was time to pay, he said he...
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Seattle’s leaders approve a tax on big companies to help the city’s homeless
Big businesses in Seattle like Amazon and Starbucks will now be required to pay ‘head tax’ to raise funds for affordable housing to help the city’s homeless. The new measure was approved by the City Council on Monday under which businesses making at least $20 million in gross revenues will be taxed about $275 per full-time worker annually. The debate over who should pay to solve a housing...
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Nearly half of Australia’s big businesses are transitioning to renewable energy
A new report by Australia’s Climate Council has revealed that nearly half of the country’s large businesses are moving towards renewable sources of energy as their power bills continue to soar. Many of them have completely gone off the grid and are generating their own solar power. The average household and small-business energy bill is more than 80% higher than a decade ago. Gas prices have...
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