Good samaritans jump into action to save a herd of elk that fell through ice
Last Friday morning, a herd of elk accidentally fell through the ice at Palisades Reservoir in Wyoming, right into freezing water. Thankfully, dozens of people rushed to their rescue and pulled each one of the 13 elks to safety. “I was headed into Jackson to go to work and I noticed a couple cars pulled over,” Dusty Jones told East Idaho News. “I looked off to the left and saw a couple of guys...
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This grandmom with dementia snuggled up to mall Santa, making him cry
Karen Rangel was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014, but she instantly recognized her all-time favorite Santa when she recently met him at a mall. Karen has been a super-fan her whole life and would even “flirt with him” as an adult when she still lived on her own. She even has a special Santa doll she sleeps with. “She doesn’t talk too much these days, but enjoys speaking to her Santa doll in...
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Best friends since 60 years turn out to be biological brothers!
What would be your reaction if you found out that your best buddy since middle school is actually your brother! You’d be ecstatic, right? This is exactly how Walter Macfarlane felt when he found out that he and his best friend for 60 years – Alan Robinson – shared the same birth mother. Robinson and Macfarlane were born and raised in Hawaii and shared a special bond throughout their friendship....
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