NFL football star has paid for over 500 mammograms in honor of his mom who died of breast cancer
Former NFL running back DeAngelo Williams lost his mom in 2006 of breast cancer. Then, breast cancer claimed the lives of all four of his mom’s sisters too, all of them were below 50. This prompted him to create the DeAngelo Williams Foundation in honor of his mother and they have till date paid for 500 mammogram screenings for under-insured women in four states—North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and...
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This kindhearted man paid off lunch debts of over 400 kids
Andrew Levy is a real estate agent in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, who conducts most of his business in the Jupiter area. Recently, Levy got to know that over 400 kids in the area could not have a proper lunch in their school cafeterias because of outstanding lunch debts. This bothered Levy and the kindhearted man met with the district authorities to pay off the outstanding debt in all nine Jupiter public...
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This 11-year-old crochet prodigy raised thousands of dollars for orphans
11-year-old Jonah Larson is a self-taught crocheting prodigy who began crocheting when he was just five years old. His first project was a simple dishcloth that he made using donated materials while learning through a YouTube tutorial. He loved the process so much that the young lad hasn’t stopped since. Today, he makes pretty much anything, including pumpkins, Afghans, fingerless gloves, ear...
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