This school district packages unused cafeteria food for students in need
In America, a lot of students rely upon the free breakfasts and lunches provided by schools for their daily food requirement. However, since the schools remain closed on weekends, these students often have to go without food. Now the Elkhart School District of Indiana has come up with a brilliant solution to the problem. The school has started salvaging their wasted food so that they can package it up for their...
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School kids are ‘seed bombing’ this Indian state in an effort to restore green cover
Almost two decades ago, the eastern Indian state of Bihar was split into two to form the new state of Jharkhand. The area left in Bihar after the division had just 9% forest cover. High levels of pollution and such meager green cover resulted in the air quality dropping to alarmingly low level in most cities, including the state capital Patna. To combat this, school kids in the state have resorted to a unique...
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71-yo walks 10 miles to help cyclone victims, wins the heart of one of Africa’s richest men
Plaxedes Dilon, also known as Gogo Magombo, is a hardworking 71-year-old African woman who gets up at 4 a.m. every morning and covers long distances on foot selling clothes for a living. However, her limited income and old age did not deter her from walking 10 miles to donate clothing and kitchen supplies to people hit by a cyclone in southern Africa! Magombo had just returned home from a long day of vending...
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