World famous candy company Mars just committed over $1 billion towards sustainable sourcing
Confectionery giant Mars, that is world famous for producing choco-delights like M&Ms, Snickers and Milky Way, just pledged over $1 billion towards ethical and sustainable sourcing of their cocoa supplies. The company hopes to achieve its responsible sourcing goals by 2025. Already, about 50% of the company’s supplies is certified by various conservationist and ethics organizations, but with certification...
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Indian officer guides villagers to use rice husk ash to purify water
Farmers in the small village of Lambra in Punjab, India, are using rice husk ash to purify water, thanks to the efforts and guidance of IAS officer KS Pannu. Earlier, they had a hard time disposing off the same ash, which is the residue left after burning of rice husk. Lambra Kangri Multipurpose Cooperative Service Society, spearheaded by Mr Pannu, has started a pilot project in the village wherein a unique...
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An undersea robot that is helping restore Great Barrier Reef by seeding damaged parts with thousands of baby corals
As the global temperatures are rising, our oceans are turning acidic, which spells disaster for the world’s coral reefs. Almost 50% of the corals forming Australia’s Great Barrier Reef died in just two years – 2016 and 2017. However, researchers at two Australian universities have come up with a small undersea robot, named LarvalBot, that is dispersing microscopic baby corals to repopulate...
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