Students from this Indian city share their lunch boxes with over 3,000 needy people
‘Maa ki Rasoi’ is an initiative undertaken by Maninder Pal Singh and his NGO ‘Ray of Positivity’ under which home-cooked food is served to the patients and attendants of three hospitals in the city of Ludhiana, Punjab : Dayanand Medical College and Hospital (DMCH), Shri Krishna Charitable Hospital and Civil Hospital. This food is brought in by 4,100 students and 160 teachers from R S Model School...
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Why are elephants increasingly being born tuskless?
Nature has come up with a unique way to protect elephants from ivory poachers – it is turning them tuskless! Bizarre as it may sound, this is actually what is happening to the young female elephants of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park. While tusklessness is not unheard of in female African elephants, normally it would only happen in about 2-4% of them. The tuskless crew in question here is amongst the...
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These might be world’s most sustainable sneakers
Veja is a French fashion brand that claims to manufacture sneakers that could possibly be the world’s most sustainable ones. The company sources raw materials from organic farming and ecological agriculture. Co-founders Sébastien Kopp and François-Ghislain Morillion say they purchase organic cotton directly from farmer associations in Brazil and Peru at a pre-set price, all while respecting fair trade...
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