HomeHeadlinesDue to the Coronavirus crisis, this landlord decided to not collect rent from tenants who are unable to work
Due to the Coronavirus crisis, this landlord decided to not collect rent from tenants who are unable to work
This is yet another story of how we, as humans, have each other’s back in times of crisis. Nathan Nichols from South Portland is a landlord who decided to forego rent from his tenants for the month of April due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
He wrote on Facebook that the tenants living in the two units he owns are service and hourly workers, who may be out of work in the coming months.
“Because I have the good fortune and of being able to afford it and the privilege of being in the owner class, I just let them know I would not be collecting rent in April,” Nichols wrote. “I ask any other landlords out there to take a serious look at your own situation and consider giving your tenants some rent relief as well.”
His post has more than 22,000 shares and hundreds of comments praising the good Samaritan’s decision.
In an update posted on Facebook, he revealed that it had inspired at least one other landlord to do the same.
Due to the Coronavirus crisis, this landlord decided to not collect rent from tenants who are unable to work
This is yet another story of how we, as humans, have each other’s back in times of crisis. Nathan Nichols from South Portland is a landlord who decided to forego rent from his tenants for the month of April due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
He wrote on Facebook that the tenants living in the two units he owns are service and hourly workers, who may be out of work in the coming months.
“Because I have the good fortune and of being able to afford it and the privilege of being in the owner class, I just let them know I would not be collecting rent in April,” Nichols wrote. “I ask any other landlords out there to take a serious look at your own situation and consider giving your tenants some rent relief as well.”
His post has more than 22,000 shares and hundreds of comments praising the good Samaritan’s decision.
In an update posted on Facebook, he revealed that it had inspired at least one other landlord to do the same.
Read more here: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/3698/Maine-Landlord-Is-Not-Collecting-Rent-To-Help-Tenants-Unable-To-Work-During-COVID-19-Outbreak
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