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Move over plastic pregnancy test – we have a new one that is biodegradable and compostable
When one is doing a pregnancy test, the last thing they’d be worried about is the plastic that would be trashed later on. However, that does not mean that it is something we can afford to ignore — not when two million pounds of plastic pregnancy test is trashed each year and ends up in our landfills. Now a new company called Lia is giving us the option to choose a greener, cleaner home pregnancy test...
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This little girl lost her mother, now her kind school bus driver braids her hair everyday
Isabella Pieri, an 11-year-old girl from Utah, lost her mother to a rare disease two years ago. Although her dad does a great job of raising her up, one thing that he struggles with (like most dads) is doing her hair. One day Isabella got the courage to ask her bus driver to braid her hair and now she does it every morning on the bus. “I can tell she was struggling with her hair,” Dean told ABC News....
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Meet the young vegan selling affordable, plant-based ‘vegan milk’ in India
Abhay Rangan is 21-year-old, a vegan, an animal activist, and co-founder of Veganarke – a vegan food products brand that is managed and run by him and his mother, Veena. Abhay and his sister turned vegan in 2010, when their parents adopted veganism on their wedding anniversary. “One of the biggest reasons why we turned vegan was the sheer torture that animals are put through at dairies. Having seen first hand...
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