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Two emperor penguins in Antarctica find a camera and film themselves!

Two emperor penguins in Antarctica discovered a camera left by an expeditioner on the ice and did what most of us would do – they clicked a short selfie video! The funny video is now going viral on the Internet. An expeditioner with the Australian Antarctic Division had placed the camera on the ground near a large emperor penguin colony in Auster Rookery – while visiting the nearby Mawson research...

March 12, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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This NZ company pays extra to employees who cycle to work

In an attempt to encourage its employees to ditch cars and adopt the healthier practice of cycling, an advertising company in Christchurch, New Zealand is paying them extra money for cycling to work. Employees who cycle to and from work will receive $5 a day and if they keep it up for more than half a year that amount will double to $10 a day, paid out as a bonus at the end of year. The employees were initially...

March 09, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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This farmer turns his farm vegan as he couldn’t bear to slaughter his cows

An English man named Jay Wilde inherited a farm from his father a few years ago. However, being a vegetarian himself, Jay found the idea of raising cattle for slaughter extremely disturbing. So, Jay and his wife decided to send the majority of their 70 cattle to an animal sanctuary, while they retained a dozen of their favorite cows to roam their farm. Talking about his cattle, Jay said: “We did [our] best...

March 08, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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