Fullwidth Blog
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Green cover in India increases by an impressive 8,021 sq km in just 2 years
Thanks to multiple afforestation programs undertaken by the Environment ministry, India managed to increase its green cover by a whopping 8,021 sq kilometers in a span of just two years. The country now ranks tenth in the world for forest area and eighth for annual forest gain. According to an official report, over 24.39% of the country’s geographical area now constitutes of green cover. Recorded using satellite...
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Military man wins hearts by taking the daughter of fallen serviceman to daddy-daughter dance
A night that would’ve otherwise been quite heartbreaking for 5-year old Cayleigh Hinton turned out to be one of her most memorable ones, thanks to a military man named Joseph Bierbrodt. Cayleigh participated in her very first dad-daughter dance last week – only that she was accompanied by 1st Sgt. Joseph Bierbrodt of the Illinois Army National Guard instead of her own father, who died in a military...
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These new LA parking meters collect change for the homeless
Two bright orange parking meters newly installed in LA’s Grand Park accept change from people that would be used to house the homeless. These two meters are among a total of six donation meters installed across the downtown area. As the city witnesses a rise in the number of homeless people, these new parking meters offer a way for people to donate for a good cause. “This is a way for people to give....
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