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Hong Kong votes to abolish ivory trade by 2021
In a historic move, lawmakers in Hong Kong voted to ban the infamous ivory trade completely by 2021, much to the delight of conservationists. The move follows China’s complete ban on ivory sales that went into effect at the end of last year. The amendment will phase out the trade in three stages, a time period some conservationists say could be exploited as a loophole and too late for African elephants which...
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Wild ponies stood guard all night over a mare hit by speeding car
Humans often forget that they aren’t the only species on Earth capable of feeling love for their dear ones. When a 9-year-old mare died after being hit by a speeding vehicle on January 8 in New Forest National Park, England, her friends stood guard over her dead body the entire night – showing that animals feel the loss of a loved one too. Sarah Simmons snapped the photo after passing the scene of...
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Engineer who lived life modestly leaves $37 million to local charity
Retired engineering executive Raymond Suckling lived a pretty modest life in Sewickley, PA. He loved White Castle hamburgers, drove a Subaru and wore Velcro sneakers. No one ever thought him to be a wealthy man – not until he left a $37.1 million donation to the Pittsburgh Foundation when he died in 2013. “Gifts of this magnitude are always very thoughtfully made,” Foundation president and CEO...
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