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Scientists develop a new way to recycle plant-based plastics multiple times without losing any properties
While most countries of the world are attempting to recycle their plastic waste, one of the major problems with recycling is that once done with the process, the resultant plastic is of a much degraded quality as compared to the original. For example, one cannot expect to recycle plastic bottles into new ones. They are therefore used for other lower-grade products such as park benches and traffic cones. Now,...
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Derrick Nnadi of the Kansas City Chiefs celebrated win by picking up adoption fees at local shelter
Scores of homeless dogs at a Kansas shelter are all set to find new homes, thanks to Derrick Nnadi of the Kansas City Chiefs. The defensive lineman opted to celebrate his Super Bowl win by paying the adoption fees of all the adoptable dogs currently at KC Pet Project. The response from people looking to adopt a furry companion at the shelter has been very positive. “We had a huge line of people at our...
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This ‘Green Mountain’ in India improved the lives of hundreds by keeping pollution in check and restoring groundwater
A few decades ago, residents of Jharbagda village in the state of West Bengal, India, were facing serious problems. Depleting groundwater levels, sweltering summer heat and inadequate firewood for fuel were a few of them. It was not long before they realized that the only way to tackle these issues was to re-green their village’s mountain that had turned almost barren owing to rampant deforestation. Over...
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