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This grocery store donates food that would have otherwise been destroyed after cooler malfunction
Trader Joe’s grocery store in Michigan suffered a refrigerator malfunction last Wednesday. Any other grocery store would’ve trashed all the perishable food items but Trader Joe’s policy, however, requires their stores to donate all of their perishables to charity. So the store donated all 35,000 pounds of their perishable goodies to Kalamazoo Gospel Mission: a local shelter that serves over 600 meals to...
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World’s first country that makes it illegal to pay women less than men
Iceland just became the first country in the world to make gender pay gap illegal. The legislation came into force on Monday, the first day of 2018. According to the new legislation, companies with more than 25 staff members are obliged to prove that they are not paying their male employees more than the females. Those that fail to prove pay parity will face fines. “The legislation is basically a mechanism...
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New Study : No increase in the number of autistic children in the US in last 3 years
In a heartening news, the US has seen no rise in the number of kids diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) since the last three years. Before that, the country witnessed a steady increase in the number of autistic kids for about twenty years. “Previous surveys have reported a steady increase in ASD prevalence in U.S. children over the past two decades,” a survey conducted through Autism and Developmental...
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