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9 Latin American countries set an ambitious goal for renewable energy that is more than twice than EU’s
Nine Latin American countries including Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia, have jointly agreed to an ambitious target of meeting 70% of their energy requirements through renewables by 2030 – which is more than double what has been pledged by the European Union. Panama and Brazil are reportedly still considering participation. With the EU only...
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These ‘Junior Detectives’ successfully track down missing 97-year-old with dementia
When 97-year-old Glenneta Belford, a non-verbal woman with dementia, went missing from her home in Roseville, California, the local Police Department made a social media post in the hope that community members may be able to find the missing senior. To their surprise, Belford was found by none other than five “junior detectives” who had spent their evening searching for the woman on their bicycles after they...
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1,200 schoolkids in Ostend, Belgium undertake beach cleanup
Under a project called “Oceans of tomorrow”, teachers from 26 catholic schools in the historic Belgian coastal city of Ostend inspired 1,200 students between the ages of 8 and 14 to undertake the biggest beach clean up ever seen in the area. To make it fun, they even brought along a support staff of blue Smurfs. A representative of the Flemish Minister of the Environment, Koen van den Heuvel, applauded the...
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