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This little girl with Down Syndrome gets adopted by a single dad after getting rejected by 20 families
Born with Down Syndrome, Alba was disowned by her mother at the time of her birth. Later, her biological father also left her and thereafter, she got rejected by 20 potential adoptive families. However, Alba’s fate changed forever when she found a loving father in Luca Trapanese. Luca had been a part of many social service programs in Italy since his teenage years. He came forward to adopt Alba after he...
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This Brazilian grandfather has vitiligo, and he crochets dolls for kids with the same condition
Vitiligo is a skin ailment which causes loss of skin color in blotches, and it tends to grow over time. Around 0.5 – 1% of the world’s population has this skin condition. João Stanganelli, a 64-year-old Brazilian granddad has vitiligo. He recently retired from working after facing some health issues and decided to take up crocheting as a hobby with this wife. After mastering rug and animal designs, Stanganelli...
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Dozens of McDonald’s billboards in Sweden are being turned into bee shelters
Bee populations are on the decline in Sweden, and once again, fast food giant McDonald’s Swedish branch has decided to provide a safe haven to the struggling pollinators. The company is putting their roadside billboards to good use by attaching “bee hotels” to their backs. This is not the first time that McDonalds has used tiny structures to help the dwindling bee populations. In addition to several of the...
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