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To save them from Hurricane Dorian, this woman takes in 97 rescue dogs in her home
At a time when Hurricane Dorian is battering the Bahamas, a kind gesture by a woman named Chella Phillips has warmed the hearts of many animal lovers. Phillips has given shelter to 97 homeless and abandoned dogs in her Nassau home since the storm hit the island this week. She has revealed in her Facebook posts that 79 of these dogs are staying in the massive master bedroom of her home—but as long as the pups are...
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This woman is on a mission to feed the hungry using 100% of the profits from her beer company
Jacquie Berglund owns a Minnesota based beer company called Finnegans that is quite popular in four US Midwest states. With the motto “We turn beer into food”, Finnegans is more than just a beer brand. Since the last 20 years, Berglund’s beer company has been donating all of its profits to Finnegans Community Fund which is then used to fund fresh produce for those in need. Finnegans also has a...
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Kids with parents who emphasize kindness over academic achievement are happier, and get higher grades
According to a recent study, children whose parents value kindness over academic achievements tend to have lower stress levels, less anxiety issues, better self-esteem and even better grades. Researchers asked 506 sixth-graders to rank what they believed was most valued by their parents. The list included three achievement-oriented goals and three oriented toward pro-social behavior. They found students whose...
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