Fullwidth Blog
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Colgate comes up with a first-of-its kind recyclable toothpaste tube
A large variety of products – ranging from personal care products to medicines and food – come in plastic tube packaging. Almost all these plastic tubes are non-recyclable and end up in our landfills and oceans. It is estimated that toothpaste alone accounts for an estimated 20 billion tubes annually around the world. Thankfully, Colgate has just come up with a first-of-its kind recyclable toothpaste...
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This English rock group’s music got stolen. Instead of paying ransom, they published it and donated sales to environmental group!
Earlier this week, popular English rock band Radiohead’s unreleased music got stolen from its musical archive. The hacker demanded $150,000 in ransom money, but the band members knew better than to fulfill the hacker’s demand. The band went ahead and published the material to their Bandcamp page and donated the sales amount to environmental group Extinction Rebellion. “Instead of complaining—much—or...
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Mexican scientist develops biodegradable plastic from cactus
Now this might be the solution to all that plastic polluting our land and oceans! Sandra Pascoe Ortiz, an engineer at the University of the Valley of Atemajac, has developed a plastic-like material from prickly pear cactus juice that is completely biodegradable and even safe to ingest. This new plastic alternative, mostly comprised of juiced cactus leaves, rapidly biodegrades and doesn’t require crude oil like...
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