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Short of new students, elementary school in South Korea fills classrooms with illiterate old women
In South Korea, the annual birth rate figures continue to drop drastically. The condition is such that most elementary schools have to actually look for kids to fill up the classrooms. Daegu Elementary, a school in Gangjin County, is one of them. The school that used to have 90 students back in 1980s, today has just 22. So as a means of saving the school, the principal invited elderly...
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A miracle that helped this 3-year-old born with backward legs to walk for the first time
Victoria Komada is a three-year-old Polish girl who was born with an extremely rare condition – both her legs were bent backwards making it impossible for her to walk. However, thanks to the generosity of communities in Norwich and Szezcin, Poland, that helped raise £180,000 for a ‘miracle’ surgery, the little girl has walked for the first time. Two years back, Victoria had faced losing both...
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This Delhi startup has recycled 100,000 tons of plastic waste while increasing the income of rag pickers by 25%
According to a 2018 report, over 300 million tons of plastic is consumed globally on an annual basis. Out of this, 16.5 million tons is consumed in India alone. No wonder the country ranks high in the list of world’s top plastic polluters! The only solution to this plastic waste crisis is to stop or strictly limit the use of single-use plastic items. However, until that goal is achieved, recycling plastic...
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