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Lake Erie now has the legal rights of a person
After witnessing toxic algae blooms for years, along with other threats to their drinking water, the residents of Toledo, Ohio, finally voted in favor of a measure that grants Lake Erie the legal rights of a human being. Sixty-one percent of voters in Tuesday’s special election voted in favor of Lake Erie’s Bill of Rights, which allows residents to take legal action against entities that violate the...
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Costa Rica plans to fully decarbonize by 2050
Latin American country Costa Rica just announced its plan to completely decarbonize towards the middle of this century. President Carlos Alvarado revealed on Monday that the country would extend its moratorium on oil exploration to 2050, too. Costa Rica’s plan involves decarbonizing four sectors: transportation, industry, waste management, and agriculture. The country has set targets from now until 2050—like a...
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IKEA comes up with a unique, fun way to keep rivers clean – Good Ship IKEA boats
Swedish furniture and home accessories giant IKEA is living up to its reputation of being an environment-friendly brand by attempting to provide solutions to the many environmental problems faced by the world today. After announcing the launch of its Gunrid air-purifying curtains, the company has now come up with remote-controlled Good Ship IKEA boats that can tidy up floating garbage in lakes and rivers....
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