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Why scientists say experiencing awe can help you live your best life
Maybe you’ve felt it standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Maybe it happens when you think about the vastness of space or glance up at the sky and marvel at a supermoon. Or maybe you feel it when you see someone offer up a seat on a crowded train to another individual they’ve never met. The emotion is awe. And, psychologists say it can play an important role in bolstering happiness, health and our social...
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These floating bins will tackle ocean pollution by sucking up tons of trash
Now here is a unique ocean trashcan that can suck up over 40 pounds of waste (even microplastics the size of 2 millimeters!) without causing any harm to marine life. Aptly named the Seabin, this floating vacuum trashcan can tidy up marinas, bays, and bodies of water by sucking up rubbish from the surrounding area. The Seabin Project was launched by two Australian surfers who were sick and tired of finding trash...
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Kindergarten teacher cuts her hair short to match student being bullied for her short hair
When the school began, kindergarten student Prisilla Perez seemed quite happy and chirpy. But her teacher Shannon Grimm noticed a change in her behavior after she got her hair cut short. Prisilla seemed withdrawn and sad most of the time. Soon, Ms. Grimm found out that the little girl was being teased about her short hair and the kindhearted teacher decided to do something about it. She cut her own hair short to...
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