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80% reduction in plastic bag use in Australia over last three months

In good news for our oceans, last three months saw a drastic 80% reduction in plastic bag use in Australia. Three months ago, two of Australia’s largest supermarket chains – Woolworths and Coles – banned single-use grocery bags. Initially, some customers felt “bag rage” about having to fork over 15 Australian cents (11 cents) to buy a reusable one. Woolworths execs blamed slumping...

December 10, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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This UK restaurant is offering free food to kids if their parents don’t use phones at the table

A UK-based restaurant chain is making sure that parents give adequate attention to their little ones and not their mobile screens while enjoying a meal. It is already well known that kids hate their parents using cellphones at the table instead of engaging in some quality family time. From November 29 till December 7, Frankie and Benny’s will be asking families to leave their phones in a “no phone...

November 30, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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Sri Lanka’s Mangrove Master : The man who spent 16 years of his life planting 2 million trees

Mangrove trees are of utmost importance, especially in coastal areas, where they are the best defense against tidal waves and tsunamis. Many poor fisher families in western Sri Lanka also rely heavily on mangroves for sustenance, with generation after generation deriving protein sources from the rich waters or sustainably harvesting the forests’ many by-products. However, deforestation has put the trees in a...

November 29, 2018 by pooja pooja 0 Comments
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