These Policemen fulfilled 7-year-old cancer patient’s biggest dream

Ashish is a 7-year-old braveheart who is fighting brain cancer. The young kid’s biggest dream was to become an inspector for the Mumbai Police some day – a wish that the officers at the city’s Mulund police station were only too happy to fulfill.
So Ashish was sworn in as an inspector at the police station for a few hours on Thursday. In collaboration with the Make A Wish foundation, famous for fulfilling the wishes of kids with life-threatening ailments, the police officials let Ashish sit on the senior inspector’s chair for sometime and even let him look through a few registers to inspect them.
The official Twitter account of the Mumbai Police shared heartwarming pictures of the boy donning the uniform and cap and cutting a cake with the biggest smile. The caption of the image said, ‘A boy whom even cancer could not scare, definitely deserves to be police station in-charge.’
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