This 8-year-old earned $21,000 from his recycling business

Ryan Hickman, all of 8 years, has a flourishing recycling business in Orange County, CA, and he has already saved a whopping $21,000 for his college fund. His interest in recycling began way back in 2012 when he visited the local recycling center with his dad and cashed in a few small bags of cans and bottles.
When Ryan notified his parents that he wanted to give empty plastic bags to all the neighbors and maybe they would save their recyclables for him, not only did the local neighbors save their cans and bottles for Ryan but so did their friends, families and co-workers.
Today, Ryan collects plastic and glass beverage bottles as well as aluminum cans. Ryan and his parents take them in by the truckload every few weeks to the local redemption center where they are unloaded, sorted and weighed.
The young entrepreneur has already saved $21,000 towards his college education.
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