80% reduction in plastic bag use in Australia over last three months

In good news for our oceans, last three months saw a drastic 80% reduction in plastic bag use in Australia. Three months ago, two of Australia’s largest supermarket chains – Woolworths and Coles – banned single-use grocery bags.
Initially, some customers felt “bag rage” about having to fork over 15 Australian cents (11 cents) to buy a reusable one. Woolworths execs blamed slumping sales on “customers adjusting” to the plastic bag ban. Coles even briefly backed down on the bag ban and received a lot of flak rom environmentally conscious shoppers for giving away reusable plastic bags.
But the good news is that it seems most Aussies haven’t found it too hard to adjust to the change—and that’s fantastic for our landfills, oceans and the greater environment, which have become dumping grounds for our plastic waste.
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