This kind-hearted Indian mechanic has rescued over 1,180 injured wild animals

As a young child, Peera Ram Bishnoi would often see peacocks, rabbits, deer, and other wildlife enter his fields and devour the crops. When he asked his parents why they didn’t chase them away, they replied, “It isn’t the wildlife that causes damage to humans, it is the other way around. The existence of the entire universe is dependent upon the five great elements–earth, sky, wind, fire, and water. And every living being that co-exists with us, has to be protected. If they dwindle into extinction, how will humans survive?”
Today, Peera Ram works as a mechanic earning his livelihood working at a small puncture repair shop near a highway in Rajasthan, but he has not forgotten his parents’ teachings of co-existing peacefully with all creatures – big and small. In the last decade, he has saved over 1,180 injured and distressed wildlife!
It all started when one day, he witnessed a speeding motorist running over a chinkara.
“The chinkara was severely hurt and dragged itself across the road before collapsing. I saw it gasp for breath, cry in pain for help. My heart shivered. I ran to the spot, picked the distressed animal in my lap, hailed a vehicle and took it to the veterinary hospital.”
He paid for the treatment from his own pocket, and when the hospital asked him to take the treated animal to a shelter, he decided to take it home.
For the next five years, the work continued, where he took all kinds of distressed animals and birds home, nursed them back to health with home remedies. His family, animal lovers themselves, extended their complete support to him.
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