Here’s Brooklyn’s zero-waste grocery store

Every trip to the supermarket or grocery store usually ends up with a lot of unnecessary plastic packaging waste. Therefore, it is becoming highly imperative that retailers come up with plastic-free packaging options.
We know it is possible since one store in Brooklyn is doing just that! At Katerina Bogatireva’s zero-waste store Precycle, people buy food from bulk containers and avoid all plastic. The store minimizes waste, selling in bulk rather than plastic.
“It’s not acceptable in my culture to waste food,” Bogatireva, who hails from Latvia, says. She remembers bringing her own resusable containers into stores when she was in her country.
When she first moved to the U.S., everything seemed so easy. She happily went along with the plastic packaging she saw everywhere.
“You forget your values for a few years,” Bogatireva adds. But as she got older, she became more reflective and that’s when she decided to open her very own zero-waste grocery waste.
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