California replacing hundreds of diesel-powered school buses with electric ones to protect children from air pollution

The California Energy Commission recently approved funds worth $70 million to replace old school buses running on diesel with an all-electric fleet in order to protect children from the ill effects of air pollution and to improve air quality.
The new electric buses will eliminate nearly 57,000 pounds of nitrogen oxides and nearly 550 pounds of fine particulate matter emissions annually.
“School buses are by far the safest way for kids to get to school – but diesel-powered buses are not safe for kids’ developing lungs, which are particularly vulnerable to harmful air pollution,” said Energy Commissioner Patty Monahan. “Making the transition to electric school buses that don’t emit pollution provides children and their communities with cleaner air and numerous public health benefits.
“The Energy Commission is proud to support this transition to protect the health of children throughout the state, something that will help all Californians breathe easier,” she added.
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