Teen releases an app for free that makes caring for dementia patients easy, he created it for his grandmother initially

Logan Wells, a high school student from Lexington, Massachusetts, knows from personal experience how difficult it can be to care for loved ones with dementia. He was 15 when his grandmother was diagnosed with the disease.
Seeing his parents and other family members struggle to work as a team to care for his grandmother, he came up with the idea for CareZare, an app which allows caregivers to easily work together through a communication portal.
Logan did the coding while his father, Eric, helped him create the original prototype and coordinated the marketing. The free app allows users to create a profile centered around the individual with dementia and invite other people to join and receive notifications.
With the app, you can schedule events, confirm completed tasks, and even add a “heads up” such as the current mood of the patient or poor weather conditions.
Logan says the app is currently being used by over 600 families, and he’s hoping it will grow.
Read more here: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/3592/Teen-Creates-App-To-Help-Care-For-Grandmother-With-Dementia-Releases-Free-For-Millions-Of-Caregivers