These English farmers feed 1 million bees by turning over 81 acres of their land to wildflowers

Around four years ago, two pig farmers from Suffolk, England, decided to turn over 81 acres of their land to grow nectar-rich wildflowers that would feed a vast population of bees.
Brothers Mark and Paul Hayward know the importance of bees and the threats these pollinators face, so they decided “to create an operation on our farm that did not push nature out but rather embraced it – as a central part of our eco-system and our food cycle.”
This week, a study was carried out monitoring insect activity on their plot – which found they were feeding one million bees at any one time.
“This was our target when we started – to grow enough to feed a million bees on a single day,” Mark told FarmingUK.
The farm uses a seed mix of phacelia, sainfoin, birds-foot trefoil, alsike clover, musk mallow, campium and vetch.
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