11-year-old boy donates 22,000 diapers to single moms using funds from his lemonade stand

During the summer, many kids set up their lemonade stands to get a taste of earning their own money. Cartier Carey is one such kid from Hampton, Virginia, who set up his lemonade stand this summer. But one thing set him apart from the rest – the generous 11-year-old donated the money that he earned to buy diapers, wipes and other supplies for parents who needed help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cartier told ABC News that he noticed a shortage of diapers in stores during the pandemic and wanted to help.
“There was no diapers at all and I was like, ‘Oh, people are having babies so I should help [them] afford diapers,’” said Cartier.
He started a lemonade stand and made about $4,500 in the first month. His stand also served as a diaper drive where people could donate diapers.
On his first day back to virtual school, Cartier is still hard at work loading up a truck with more than 22,000 donated diapers.
Read more here: https://www.ktlo.com/2020/09/08/11-year-old-donates-over-22000-diapers-to-single-moms-through-lemonade-stand/