Farmers in North Dakota cut 1,000 acres for fellow farmer who suffered heart attack

A farmer from North Dakota, Lane Unjhem, suffered a heart attack last week while he was in the middle of harvesting. Although he was immediately flown to Minot where he is currently recuperating, there is a long road of recovery ahead.
When local farmers learned about the unfortunate news, they immediately started coordinating an effort to help Unjhem and his family out.
Around 60 farmers brought 11 combines, six grain carts, and 15 semis to get Unhjem’s Durum Wheat and Canola in the bin.
“I talked to a couple of farmers, got their equipment, and then other people just started calling and we had equipment offered from all over the place in the county, and their workers to go with it,” Jenna Binde told KFYR.
Those who assisted say letting the Unhjems’ crops go unharvested would’ve been a big loss for the family, and helping out was just common sense.
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