This Texas shelter is building tiny houses for rescue pups

There is no doubt about the fact that animal shelters do an amazing job, but very few go above and beyond like this non-profit rescue in Texas called Austin Pets Alive! that is ensuring their pups don’t feel anxious or overwhelmed as they adjust to their new surroundings.
The non-profit is creating two small cabins on their shelter grounds complete with heating and air conditioning, dog-friendly furniture, and their own private yards. The cabins will also provide workspaces for staff and volunteers.
The tiny homes should be ready for their first guests later this month.
“The idea is to provide more of a home-like environment for the unique population of dogs Austin Pets Alive! cares for as the safety net for shelter animals who need us most — a place for decompression, training, and quality-of-life purposes,” says Director of Operations Stephanie Bilbro.
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