UN Sustainable Development Goalsthat are addressed : No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities
Project Start Date : 1/1/2016
Pregnancy is a beautiful experience not just for mothers, but for fathers as well. It is the start of an incredible journey where every mother shares one of the most unique and special types of bonding and love that exists. Leading a sustainable lifestyle takes on a new dimension when you’re pregnant. it’s about creating a safe and healthy world for your bundle of joy to grow and thrive in.
But how do you do it? Join us as GBRI Senior Research Associate and a Mom – Tracy Brown explores this topic in-depth. This is course video created in partnership with GBRI. Currently the course is available in English. It is expected to be published in Spanish by Jan 2017.
Current Status
I-believe is seeking volunteers to translate this course into multiple languages. In addition, help is needed to make this FREE course accessible to women in general especially pregnant women and parents. Please use the link below to share the course (English and Spanish) among your friend circle and social media.
We want to support more public schools, provide more scholarships, empower more children, give more families security during the difficult times and change their lives in a sustainable way. We believe success should be measured by the lives we impact. But we can’t do it without you, so we’re asking you to get involved. Please use the buttons below to explore ways you can support our projects and join us in our mission.
Moms Going Green
Moms Going Green
Location : NEWYORK, USA
Contact Information : I-Believe
Budget : $ 800
UN Sustainable Development Goals that are addressed : No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequalities
Project Start Date : 1/1/2016
Pregnancy is a beautiful experience not just for mothers, but for fathers as well. It is the start of an incredible journey where every mother shares one of the most unique and special types of bonding and love that exists. Leading a sustainable lifestyle takes on a new dimension when you’re pregnant. it’s about creating a safe and healthy world for your bundle of joy to grow and thrive in.
But how do you do it? Join us as GBRI Senior Research Associate and a Mom – Tracy Brown explores this topic in-depth. This is course video created in partnership with GBRI. Currently the course is available in English. It is expected to be published in Spanish by Jan 2017.
Current Status
I-believe is seeking volunteers to translate this course into multiple languages. In addition, help is needed to make this FREE course accessible to women in general especially pregnant women and parents. Please use the link below to share the course (English and Spanish) among your friend circle and social media.
Scholarship for Boys and Girls
How to get involved?
We want to support more public schools, provide more scholarships, empower more children, give more families security during the difficult times and change their lives in a sustainable way. We believe success should be measured by the lives we impact. But we can’t do it without you, so we’re asking you to get involved. Please use the buttons below to explore ways you can support our projects and join us in our mission.